Friday 30 September 2011

Marmite porridge

Porridge is delicious when mixed with a small teaspoon of marmite.

Thursday 29 September 2011

Let's race! - crawling

On your mark; get set and remember don't fart...

Wednesday 28 September 2011


What's so fun? What's so funny until you laugh like that?
Can laughter improve health? It may be a good way to relax because muscle tension is reduced after laughing. So, everybody start smiles and laughs me!

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Monday 26 September 2011

Saturday 24 September 2011


宝宝傍晚七点钟梳洗完毕,喝完奶,八点半上床睡觉。十一点,翻呀翻,奶嘴给他塞了好几次,还是睡不熟,于是泡瓶奶吧。奶喝完,看一看,纸尿片那么快就爆满了,换了之后宝宝便睡着了。两点半,耳边传来呜呜声,哎呀宝宝又睡不着,是不是肚子又饿了呢?还是泡瓶奶给他喝吧,好过一直起身塞奶嘴,喝完奶便睡着了。哎呀,怎么感觉才睡不久,宝宝又再次起床呀,看看闹钟五点钟了。哎哟,纸尿片又再次爆满,没办法天气冷吧。换好尿片,他便开始自言自语的,后来还自己玩了起来,翻呀翻,摸摸你,再对你笑一笑,他睡够了吗? 怎么妈咪感觉不够睡!看着他就算再累也会忍不住回他一笑,再来就会听到他对你笑得咯咯地。哈哈,无论如何,宝宝的开心才是妈咪最大的快乐。

Friday 23 September 2011

Wednesday 21 September 2011


Baby Sidney正尝试着站起来,抓到桌子时就想爬起来。扶着他起来后,要放他坐下就比较困难,因为他还不懂如何弯曲膝盖,双脚直直的,还怕伤到他呢!

Tuesday 20 September 2011


Baby Sidney这几天半夜都起身,姿势都是试图爬行动作。当他知道你在泡奶时,你没抱他,他就哭闹而且越哭越大声。喝完奶后,说说话,才睡着。专家说八个月大的宝宝会再次有睡眠的问题,他们会突然哭然后再睡着。这是因为他们正在学习用自己的身体做令人愉快的事情(翻身,爬行,站立。。)。您家宝宝也有这状况?

Monday 19 September 2011




睡呀睡呀,pipi 45度,180度的翻身,有时还360度,那双脚踢呀踢呀(不小心的啦)想把妈妈踢下床。




Sunday 18 September 2011

Separation anxiety

Baby cries when mummy or aunt are out of sight. She protests when you step out the room or even you go to toilet. She afraid to strangers and shows different preference to certain people too. Game like hide-and-seek can help? She knows you are there even though she can't see you but she still cry.

Saturday 17 September 2011

Thursday 15 September 2011


Baby Sidney clapping her hand and moving her body to the different rhythm when music play. She can enjoy the whole song in a CD when she is in her playard or in her cradle. So, music is a wonderful activity to share with your baby.

Wednesday 14 September 2011



Tuesday 13 September 2011

Ducky stacker

Ducky stacker with colorful rings and a duck on top. The rings and duck can remove, restack and grasp by baby. This is great for eye-hand coordination skill. They also can learn colors since the rings are in 5 different color.

Monday 12 September 2011


八月十五庆中秋,祝大家中秋节快乐。 圆圆的月饼请你们吃。。

Sunday 11 September 2011

Saturday 10 September 2011

I Love You Daddy


Friday 9 September 2011

Rice Rusk

My second type of rusk. Mummy only give me this rice rusk when I sit on the high chair same table with them while they are having meal.

Thursday 8 September 2011


Baby Sidney visited to Klinik Kesihatan this morning for a normal check up. Her weight now is 7.5kg compare to 3.1kg since birth.

Pumpkin porridge 2

Nowadays, don't need to blend it anymore, Baby Sidney can eat it.

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Tuesday 6 September 2011


Baby Sidney would grab your shirt or hand if she didn't get any attention from others. She would grab you also if she wanted to eat, wanted to walk. If you gave her a spoon, she would put into her mouth, or banged it on table to create her lovely song. She felt happy of that.

Monday 5 September 2011


嗄嗄嗄嗄嗄嗄嗄。。。 这三只小鸭子会在我澎澎时陪我哦。

Saturday 3 September 2011

Naughty girl

Time to sleep but still don't want to sleep. See..what's she doing? Want to sit in the cradle?

Friday 2 September 2011

Thursday 1 September 2011


Baby Sidney now always babbling when playing herself. You can hear sound like bla bla bla.. That is why some people say they always call papa first then mama isn't?