Monday 24 December 2012

Merry X'Mas

We wish all Merry Xmas...





Tuesday 11 December 2012

Sidney's brother

Hai everybody, I am Sidney's brother Zhi Keat. I was born on 3 Nov, nice to meet you all.

Saturday 29 September 2012

Hand-made lantern

Sidney's first lantern special made from dad.
Ou ou tong tong ou ou tong tong.... play happily with her cousins.

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Walk walk at Pantai Morib

First time she went to Morib. It was a windy day.

Ran here ran there happily..

Daddy, a big ball here, we bring it back?

Aiks, too heavy, I can't move it.

Let's see what else I can do here..

Ah ha.. 1, 2, 3(up down stairs)

Enjoy herself.

A happy day at Morib on 26th august.

Sunday 2 September 2012

How to avoid?

Run, run, run! Her favorite exercise is running. How to avoid from injury?

Wednesday 18 July 2012


时间过得真快,馨馨已经1岁半。前几天带她去红十字打疫苗针,吓得她哇哇大哭,想逃跑。她的体重只有9公斤,身高85厘米,己有十二颗牙。一岁半的宝宝已有自我意识,开心时会拍拍手,还说她是个good girl;不开心时便大发脾气,大喊大闹。此时她们也学会了不少单词,有时她们的说话还逗得爸妈们开怀大笑。

Thursday 7 June 2012


Daddy, go order me a Mocha frappuccino... with cream, of course!


Wah, very good!

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Thursday 31 May 2012


Sidney: 爸爸说再这样努力练习的话,我一定会成为世界冠军哦!

YouTube Video

Saturday 26 May 2012



Sidney: 咦,该画什么呢?伤脑筋啊! Malvin 画得还真轻松哦!

Sidney: 让我来看看他画些什么?

Malvin: Sidney, 你画些什么东西啊? Sidney: 我画了一粒球。。

Saturday 19 May 2012

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Toothbrushing time

Brush, brush, brush your teeth, up and down the gums... Sidney was enjoying brush her teeth but mostly just drink the water in the cup.

Monday 16 April 2012

Saturday 14 April 2012

Tweety and I

Daddy spent four-buck for this cute-cute bird...called tweety.

Wednesday 11 April 2012


Having a bread after tiring shopping at AEON Bukit Tinggi today. Sidney pointing good without the thumb up.