Wednesday 14 September 2016

Thailand trip with kids - Day 5


Still the same, woke up early in the morning. Had the breakfast in the hotel

10am we went to Dinasour Planet.
Ticket to dinasour Planet
 (350*2 +450*2)
Free admission to the Dino eye.
🎡Oops, he did not dare to join. 

Coloring 🎨
We finished it on 11.15am.

* 这恐龙展范围不大,我们只花了一个小时来参观 (还以为需要半天时间)。火山部分没开,所以有免费乘摩天轮,但小孩都不敢坐。本人觉得这景点有点不值得哦,门票也太贵了吧。

Walked to Terminal 21 , which is a shopping center with airport theme. London themed area, San Francisco, Istanbul, Rome, Tokyo and others. 

We had lunch at The Terrace restorant.
Fried rice, fried fish with mango salad, tomyam with steam rice, hot honey lemon , ice coffee milk 

What happened to them?

Enjoying.. coffee and tab ~ his favorites 

Photo shooting ~ their favorites

Actually the next plan was going to Asiatique from here at 4.30pm, but we changed our mind eventually caused of raining; furthermore, Sidney was feeling sleepy😴.

Walked to central world for dinner at 6pm.

After dinner, shopping~ 
Of course Mummy spent a lot for herself... 👙haha 
Went back to hotel at 8.45pm.


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